from Martine F. from Nanterre:
"What an explosion of joy I had His Majesty Savior Tegbessou when I learned that I had the right numbers that you had given me in your truth reading. I won €43,000. It's one of the best days of my life. I send you all my gratitude...and thank you also for your forecasts. I'm making the trip as planned..."
from Albert of Libourne:
" If all the seers were telling the truth like you, my friend His Majesty Savior Tegbessou. As you said, I sold my house two days ago and the other good news is also a sum of 22,100 € which I was no longer expecting and which has just fallen this morning... Congratulations on your astonishing clairvoyance..."
by Louisette de Villeneuve:
"...I have for the first time in my life the feeling of being in tune with my choices. It is a real pleasure to know that and I owe it to you Sauveur Tegbessou. I am happy with Henri. He even played the numbers you gave him and won the incredible sum of €55,000. It's unheard of..."
from Madeleine of Valenciennes:
"...His Majesty Savior Tegbessou, I have found new energy and I want to undertake lots of things. It's a real miracle even if I know that you have a lot to do with it. And then with my modest retirement, the money I have just received (€33,500) is very welcome for me. You are wonderful, Sauveur Tegbessou."
by Anne Emone de Langon:
"Really all my thanks for the insights into your truth clairvoyance. You allowed me to save my life as a couple. How do you do for the lucky numbers, I who never play, I just took a lotto of several million cents. You know His Majesty Tegbessou I'm so happy..."
from Christiane d'Alençon:
" summary His Majesty Savior Tegbessou, congratulations for your winning numbers which offer me I think my dream: to buy a small house in the countryside. And then, all is well also in my love life, I have just reconnected with Jean-Pierre. It's a moment that I've been waiting for 2 years. That's to say that I'm fulfilled... thank you..."
from Bernard of Cannes:
"Your truth clairvoyance is a gold mine to guide you effectively in life. As it was indicated, I took the step yesterday to get this job and it worked. I'm hired. Thank you also for your numbers, me who am a player, I have never won such a sum: €37,000. BRAVO a thousand times David..."
from Paris Line:
His Majesty Savior Tegbessou, you cannot imagine the joy in which I have been bathed for 2 days. As you saw, Alain proposed to me. I was no longer hoping for it and then you told me no, it would come in a few days. You just saw Sauveur Tegbessou congratulations for your vision which was indicated in your clairvoyance truth..."
by Corneille de Montelimar:
" I would only have one word: THANK YOU. Thank you for getting me out of the impasse in which I was stuck. Thank you for your lucky numbers which allowed me to pay part of my debts. Thank you for the energy that you transmitted to me and that made me grow wings. Yes, thank you for everything..."
from Henriette of Strasbourg:
"Your guide is not only a window of the future, but it gives the keys to finding the solutions...It is a real revelation for me as I have been so disappointed by other clairvoyants. You have seen a change, it "It's true, I've been transferred abroad. My dream has come true... What can I say... congratulations to His Majesty the Savior Tegbessou!..."
from Maguy of Lourdes:
" announced a promotion to me. It's done Master His Majesty Sauveur Tegbessou, I am responsible for my service. I must say that I was no longer expecting it. It is a great joy for me. But am I in a dream? I also come by your lucky numbers to win the lotto 6800 €. That's great! How do you do..."
from Marie-Pierre d'Auxerre:
"After my divorce, I no longer had the strength to fight. And then you came into my life, and all your directives and revelations plus your work on the energies made me react. And today, I I rediscovered the taste for life. I met a wonderful man... I was reborn..."
from Janine of Lorient:
"...Reading your Clairvoyance truth, I was flabbergasted by the events that were described and that I was experiencing as the return of my son whom I recovered a week ago. As for finances, it's "Santa Claus" who saves me... I received €25,500 with your figures."
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